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Where We Serve: LA South Central

LA South Central

The community in LA South Central is one of two ACE communities in the city. The teachers there are responding daily to the diverse needs of the students and families they serve. On any given Sunday, Mass is said in 38 different languages. The Latino communities at the school parishes are very welcoming to the ACE teachers.

  • Christian Spesia
  • Brent Villasenor
  • Maddie Carr
  • Mary Stoutenburgh
  • Christian Spesia  | ACE 26

    5th Grade Teacher at St. Albert the Great

  • Brent Villasenor  | ACE 26

    6th-8th Language Arts; 7th English, Religion, Art, PE Teacher at Our Lady of Guadalupe

  • Maddie Carr  | ACE 27

    2nd Grade Teacher at Immaculate Conception

    B.A. in Psychology with Education, Schooling, & Society Minor, Notre Dame

    Originally from Rockville

  • Mary Stoutenburgh  | ACE 27

    MS Math Teacher at St. Turibius

    B.S. in Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics with minor in Education, Schooling, and Society, University of Notre Dame

    Originally from Dallas, TX

  • Christian Spesia
  • Brent Villasenor
  • Maddie Carr
  • Mary Stoutenburgh

Schools We Serve

ACE teachers serve at the following schools: