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Where We Serve: Denver


We live in Denver: four pro sports teams, less than an hour from the slopes, 300+ sunny days a year, and we are close to Boulder. January weather could be 60 degrees one day or snowing the next. We’re not too close to any other ACE communities, but in the words of John Staud, “So is Hawaii but who complains about paradise!”

  • Katie Wiedenhoft
  • Eddie Lopez
  • Julia Cogan
  • Liam Gannon
  • Isabel Teixeira
  • Katie Wiedenhoft  | ACE 26

    6th-8th Social Studies, Religion, 6th Earth Science Teacher at Annunciation

  • Eddie Lopez  | ACE 26

    6th-8th Integrated Science, 8th Math Teacher at St. Rose of Lima

  • Alyssa Ann Lewis

  • Julia Cogan  | ACE 27

    5th Grade Teacher at Escuela de Guadalupe

    Sociology, Spanish, TESOL, Notre Dame

    Originally from St. Louis, MO

  • Liam Gannon  | ACE 27

    MS Social Studies Teacher at Assumption

    B.A. in History, minor in Business Economics, Notre Dame

    Originally from Madison, NJ

  • Isabel Teixeira  | ACE 26

    5th Grade Teacher at Assumption

Schools We Serve