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Where We Serve: Pensacola


Pensacola is a small city with a great beach. It’s probably most well-known for the large Naval base (which is located just a few miles down the road from St. John’s). It has a lovely historic district and down at the beach, it has a great boardwalk full of shops and eateries. The weather in P’cola is wonderful. Hot summers and mild winters—it can get cold from time to time, but just enough to make one appreciate the usual climate.

  • Madelyn Dyer
  • Matthew Faller
  • Mary Flynn
  • Leo Bormann

  • Madelyn Dyer  | ACE 27

    3rd Grade Teacher at Little Flower

    B.A. in English with minors in Irish Studies, Education, and Creative Writing, Villanova University

    Originally from Hunt Valley, MD

  • Matthew Faller  | ACE 27

    HS Math Teacher at Pensacola Catholic

    B.A. in Humanities, Villanova University

    Originally from Carlisle, PA

  • Mary Flynn  | ACE 27

    MS Language Arts Teacher at Sacred Heart Cathedral

    History and Classical languages, John Carroll University

    Originally from Pittsburgh, PA

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