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Why ACE Teaching Fellows?

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Education is one of the most important challenges facing our country. Each year, millions of students fail to reach their potential because they lack access to the quality education they deserve. In the Alliance for Catholic Education, we believe that Catholic schools are a vital part of the solution.

Catholic schools have shown unparalleled success in educating children, promoting a lifelong commitment to faith and virtue, and encouraging civic engagement. While leaders across the nation look frantically for programs and initiatives to improve education in America, Catholic schools maintain their track record of serving children and families admirably well, closing the achievement gap for poor and minority students.

ACE Teaching Fellows fuel Catholic schools with talented, committed and faith-filled teachers and leaders. We know that outstanding educators establish the environments in which young people want to learn, and make a significant difference in the lives of children and the communities in which they serve.

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About Us

The Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) is a two-year fellowship in which participants teach in an under-resourced Catholic school while also earning a cost-free Master of Education degree from the University of Notre Dame. By forming a new generation of committed, faith-filled Catholic school teachers, ACE aspires to sustain and strengthen Catholic education.

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"I believe our Catholic schools are a 'pearl of great price,' worth every drop of sweat and ounce of effort that we are making on their behalf...we Catholic educators need to be bold in our thinking and daring in our actions as we look to the future."

Timothy Cardinal Dolan
Archbishop of New York