The Latino Educator and Administrator Development (LEAD) program aims to strengthen the Latino voice in both the classroom and school level nationally. LEAD’s inaugural cohort continues to learn ways to better understand the opportunities and challenges that exist as Latino leaders in their schools.
An important aspect of the LEAD program is the mentorship that each LEADer receives on a monthly basis from a Latino mentor currently in a leadership role in Catholic education. Each month, LEADers join other members of their team, including a LEAD mentor, on a conference call to focus on a wide variety of themes related to Latino leadership in Catholic education.
Throughout the year, the CSA team will highlight various members of this inaugural LEAD cohort—both LEADers and mentors—beginning with Israel “Buddy” Martinez, principal of Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School in McAllen, TX, member of the eighth cohort of the Latino Enrollment Institute (LEI), and LEAD mentor.