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Seven Last Words of Christ - Reflection 3

Mother, behold your son

“Woman, behold your son.” (John 19:26)


With these words, Jesus does much more than ask a friend to take care of his mom once he’s gone.  This is a profound moment to witness, as he entrusts Mary and John to one another as family.

In such a brief moment, Christ ensures that his mother will always be cared for as by a son, and that we, the Church, would know Mary as our own mother.  As Catholic school teachers, we too must be Johns and Marys, entrusted to our students as they are to us.

These Lenten days can seem long, and tempers can grow short.  On days when we struggle to see Christ in our students, may we pray for the grace to remember this:  God, in His wisdom, has entrusted His children to us, and has entrusted us to them.  May He make us ever more worthy of this precious relationship, and use it to help us grow in holiness.


Who has been entrusted to your care today?  How will you respond to this call?


Christ, you are our brother and teacher.  Help us to learn, from the example of our Blessed Mother and your beloved disciple, how to love one another as family.  In your name we pray, Amen.


Contributed by Meghann Kirzeder

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