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Stations of the Cross for Teachers - The Thirteen Station

Jesus is taken down from the cross

We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you
Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.

Station 13 Jesus is Taken Down from the CrossJohn 19:33-34: When the soldiers came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs, but one soldier thrust his lance into his side, and immediately blood and water flowed out.

Reflection: Jesus is dead. His body hangs on the cross, limp and lifeless, until at last it is taken down and placed in the lap of his mother. Mary can do absolutely nothing to change the events of this day, but in her helplessness, she does not withdraw in defeat. She clings to her son. By her example, may we learn to do the same.

Prayer: Jesus, as teachers we sometimes face challenges that leave us at a loss. We worry that it's beyond our power to make a difference for our students. Show us the example of your Blessed Mother, and teach us that when we can think of nothing else to do, we can hold fast to you, and you will always lead us forward.

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