The purpose of this action research was to improve basic computation skills in light of fluency and accuracy in grades six through eight, through a system of daily practice, with weekly and quarterly assessments of progress, in order to allow students to be more successful with the rigors of the wider mathematics curriculum.
This study analyzed stakeholder concerns about the state of campus safety and security at SJNCHS. It also addressed stakeholder concerns about the introduction of camera surveillance technology on campus and other new safety initiatives. The purpose of this study was to examine stakeholder perspectives on the safety and security of the SJNCHS campus environment.
The primary purpose was to determine the effectiveness of combination classes on student success in reading and math using differentiated instruction at ECS and to explore stakeholder perception and student success in combined classes.
Improve our new teacher mentoring program in order to help educate the teachers on the “null curriculum” and also provide more structured support from veteran faculty mentors.
The purpose of this action research was twofold; first, the goal was to explore the satisfaction levels of junior high students engaged in service learning projects. The second stage of the action research project was to design and implement a service learning program that addresses the students’ needs and concerns and provides an authentic volunteer experience.
The purpose of this action research project was to explore and identify stakeholder perceptions about the role of parents in the life of St. Augustine and to create programming that invites and empowers our parents to take on a more active role as primary educators.
Identify the key factors that create harmony, success, and effective support between the pastor and his school. Strengthen the role of the pastor at St. Anthony School. Create a guidebook for successive pastors indicating a set priority of goals determined by St. Anthony parish’s constituents.
The purpose of this action research project was to determine the impact of preschool classroom setting, mixed age or single age, on children’s academic and social gains.
This action research sought to evaluate the development, implementation, and impact of a house system on the Catholic identity and fostering of community at MHT.
The purpose of this action research project is two- fold: to evaluate the effect of mid-year exam policy change on student achievement and to evaluate the teachers’ and students’ overall satisfaction with this new policy.
The purpose of this action research project was to study the effect of an Early Childhood Development Center(ECC) on teacher recruitment and retention at Bishop Dunne.
The purpose of this action research was twofold: (1)To see if there was a correlation between teacher appraisal scores and student achievement. (2) To explore teacher opinions of a performance pay appraisal system.
The two-fold purpose of this action research was to provide a voice to students at Ascension by completing a Ministry mandated school climate survey, in order to inform and guide board and school practice regarding the prevalence of discrimination and bullying at Ascension. In addition, the purpose was to report the findings from this pilot to the board in order to make targeted recommendations regarding the effectiveness of the survey instrument.
The purpose of this action research project was to investigate the marketing and communication strategies and promotional tools that are most effective in attracting and retaining students and families to Saint Elizabeth Seton Catholic School.
To form a thick description of religious identity of Primary School Student Teachers from the Theological Anthropology of Karl Rahner with the addition of literature on Identity Theory, Teacher Identity and Religious Identity.
The purpose of this action research project was to determine the effectiveness of a reading intervention program on improving mastery of fluency, word study, and comprehension for students in grades four through eight.
The purpose of this action research project was to explore the relationship between stakeholders’ religiosity and spirituality with attitudes about bullying.
The purpose of this study was to examine student-athlete perceptions of the coach’s role in animating the school’s religious mission in the athletic program.
The purpose of this action research project was to investigate Latino parents’ overall perceptions of Catholic school education within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas in order to devise an effective marketing plan to attract these families to our schools.
The purpose of this action research project was to determine the effect of direct instruction in listening skills on the reading comprehension of Latino boys at TDLSS.
The purpose of this action research project was to explore the impact of a mentor program on student discipline and the sense of community within the school.
The purpose of this action research project was to determine the stakeholders’ perceptions and expectations of lay leadership and the continued expression of the charisms of the religious orders that founded and influenced St. John the Evangelist School.
Implement a new Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) plan using the Christian and Cardinal virtues of faith, hope, charity, justice, prudence, temperance, and fortitude.