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ACE Visits Cincinnati, OH

ACE in the Community

Currently, over 40,000 students are enrolled in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s 115 schools, making it the sixth largest Catholic school system in the United States. 

A graduate of ACE's Teaching Fellows M. Ed. program, Dr. Jim Rigg has been Director of Educational Services and Superintendent of Schools since 2010 after having previously served in a number of diocesan schools as teacher, principal and dean.

In January of 2011, Dr. Rigg and the newly established "Vision Steering Committee" and partnered with ACE Consulting to conduct a comprehensive assessment of Catholic school education in the archdiocese and a subsequent process to develop a strategic plan for Catholic schools, an initiative entitled "Lighting the Way: A Vision for Catholic Schools."

Upon reviewing the results of this assesment in September 2011, the VSC members formed six Task Forces of an impressive 47 members who worked tirelessly to develop strategic planning goals and objectives and then make those goals realities. It is clear, by the large number of people who responded and actively engaged in a variety of stakeholder opportunities, that Catholic school education is highly valued and has played a significant role in the lives of parishioners and families in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, which shares in ACE's mission of "Making God known, loved, and served."

Where We’ll Be

Monday, October 21

9:30 a.m.  -  School visit and Award Presentation at St. Joseph School 


745 Ezzard Charles Drive - Cincinnati, OH 45203




Award Recipients

About the Awards

The University of Notre Dame Sorin Award for Service to Catholic Schools


The George J. Hubert Jr. Foundation is dedicated to making Catholic education affordable and accessible to families within the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The foundation’s namesake, George J. “Butch” Hubert, Jr. grew up in poverty in Cincinnati, and attended Catholic schools through the generosity of his local church. After obtaining personal wealth through a successful butcher company, Butch established the Educational Scholarship Assistance Program (or “ESAP”), a program that provides hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to help needy families access Catholic education. Additional scholarships are offered to students based on service to their local church. The ESAP program is now operated by the entire Hubert family, and currently supports families in 29 Catholic elementary schools on Cincinnati’s west side. Through its considerable support and commitment to Catholic schools, the Hubert Foundation honors Butch’s personal credo: “What I had I gave, what I saved I lost.”


The University of Notre Dame Champion for Education Award

Greg Landsman currently serves as Executive Director of the Strive Partnership, an education consortium of providers and funders collaborating to improve academic achievement in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. Before the establishment of Strive, Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland appointed Landsman Director of the Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives in October 2007. That office strives to strengthen both faith- and community-based organizations, as well as their connections with public agencies, all done in an effort to reduce poverty in Ohio.


ACE Point of Contact in the City: Ricky Austin -