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ACE Visits to Columbus, OH

ACE in the Community 

Columbus is home to a number of Catholic school educators who have completed ACE's licensure programs in English as a New Language (ENL), Teaching Exceptional Children (TEC), and Play Like A Champion Today (PLC) sports ministries and who are currently working to make their school communities healthier and more inclusive for a diverse student body. ACE Advocates for Catholic Schools, a network of alumni from ACE programs, is represented by a regional group based in Columbus established in 2008. The group supports the diocese in planning events such as the Service Learning Celebration.

Marty Raines, Associate Director of the Diocese of Columbus Recreation Association brought PLC to Columbus after attending a conference in 2008. Since then, Raines has sent nearly 1000 coaches through the program, benefiting close to 10,000 children in the diocese.

Where We’ll Be

Friday, October 11

1:00 p.m.  -  School visit to St. James the Less


1628 Oakland Park Ave. - Columbus, OH 43224





Award Recipients


About the Awards 


The University of Notre Dame Sorin Award for Service to Catholic Schools

Principal of St. James the Less Catholic School in Columbus, Yvonne Schwab has become a major proponent of ACE’s Catholic School Advantage program, which seeks to expand access to Catholic schools for Latino and other under-served children. When Schwab became principal, St. James was facing critical enrollment decline, putting the school’s future in peril. In an effort to draw more students in, Schwab worked closely with her parish administrator to appeal to Columbus’ minority populations, specifically the Latino community. In partnering with ACE, St. James’ teachers have gained necessary training for the multiplicity of its students, who are instructed in English, Spanish and American Sign Language and also benefit from an expanded music and arts program. As a result of her efforts, the school’s population has doubled, test scores have risen and the school now serves as an archetype of diversity and inclusion.


ACE Point of Contact in the City: Ricky Austin -