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ACE Visits Memphis, TN

ACE in the Community

Memphis, known as the capital of the Mid-South, has been home to an ACE community since 1999. Currently, ACE Teaching Fellows has four ACE teachers serving three Diocese of Memphis Schools: St. Michael and Our Lady of Sorrows parish schools and Memphis Catholic Middle and High School. Memphis Catholic is also home to a double-graduate of both ACE Teaching Fellows and the Mary Ann Remick Leadership Program, Principal Nick Green.

Former superintendant of Catholic schools in Memphis, Dr. Mary C. McDonald published her latest book, A History With God with ACE Press in 2012 and has delivered multiple keynote addresses on the importance of Catholic education on behalf of ACE.

Where We’ll Be

Monday, October 7

1:30 p.m. - School visit and pep rally at Memphis Catholic Middle and High School

61 N. McLean Blvd. -- Memphis, TN 38104


Award Recipients

About the Awards

The University of Notre Dame Sorin Award for Service to Catholic Schools: BISHOP J. TERRY STEIB

The Most Rev. J. Terry Steib, S.V.D., Bishop of Memphis, Tennessee, has made it his mission to reclaim urban Catholic schools and to support a diocesan school system “educating our youth in truth for the honor and glory of God.” Through Bishop Steib’s efforts, eight previously closed Catholic schools have reopened as “Jubilee Schools” and serve predominantly low-income students in the diocese through need-based scholarships. The Jubilee Schools offer an exceptional Catholic education at approximately half the cost of neighboring public schools, prompting references to Bishop Steib’s initiative as “the miracle in Memphis.”


Point of Contact

Ricky Austin -