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ACE Visits Naples, FL

(Feb. 13-14)

ACE in the City:

ACE’s presence is ever-growing in the sunshine state since many of its cities were the first to welcome ACE teachers. Naples has recently been added to the list of stops along the Fighting for Our Children's Future National Bus Tour, and ACE’s presence there is in an exciting process of development and growth.

ACE graduates in Naples, through implementing data-based action research projects and improving school marketing, have been able to address and reverse problems of decreasing enrollment, particularly in St. Elizabeth Seton School, whose numbers have increased from 220 in the 2009-2010 school year to over 260 currently.

At St. John Neumann High School in Naples, ACE graduate Shelley Raley implemented the Y.A.C.H.T. Club (Youth and Christ Helping Together) as a way of providing students with leadership positions and agency in their own faith formation in planning and implementing their own services, retreats, and service trips--called, of course, "Cruises." The program has a steady and growing enrollment under the Raley's continued direction as Campus Minister and theology teacher.

ACE Media Point of Contact: Bill Schmitt -

Information confirmed: 2/14/14 - 3:48 p.m.