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ACE Visits Seattle, WA

ACE in the City

Catholic schools have been a life-giving presence in the Archdiocese of Seattle for the past 160 years. A number of our former ACE teachers have settled in the Seattle area and have formed a robust network of ACE Advocates in the region who are constantly working to support Catholic schools in the archdiocese and beyond.

Where we'll be

Friday, May 16th

12:45 pm PST - ACE Bus Welcome at Bishop Blanchet

8200 Wallingford Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103

1:00 pm PST - Mass 

Event Point of Contact: Emily Lazor, 

Award Recipients

The University of Notre Dame Sorin Award for Service to Catholic Schools

Archbishop J. Peter Sartain has spent the past 36 years of his life in loving and tireless dedication to his role as a leader in the Church as a diocesan priest, pastor, and now bishop.  

In 2000, Sartain was appointed Bishop of Little Rock by Pope John Paul II. Recognizing the needs of the growing Hispanic population in his diocese, Bishop Sartain learned Spanish and established Hispanic ministries throughout the state. The Diocese of Little Rock grew from 90,600 to over 107,000 during Bishop Sartain’s tenure, providing a testament to his inspirational pastoral capacity and love.

After serving as Bishop of Joliet for four years, Sartain was appointed Metropolitan Archbishop of Seattle in September 2010, where he has once again exercised his loving leadership, especially in his dedication to the archdiocese’s Catholic schools. On February 11, Archbishop Sartain approved a strategic plan for 21st century Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Seattle, entitled "From Strength to Strength". Rooted first and foremost in a trust in God’s abiding strength, the document will serve as a means of sustaining and strengthening the influence of the Catholic school system that has served the archdiocese for 160 years, with an emphasis on increased accessibility to Catholic education, especially for Seattle’s growing Hispanic and other minority populations.

“The evidence of the comprehensive success of Catholic schools,” said Archbishop Sartain in the introduction, “is clear and compelling. Many people contribute to that success. However, it is the Lord Jesus who makes it so. It is by him we are saved, it is him that we teach, it is to him that we give glory.”

Time and again, Archbishop Sartain has proven himself as a devoted pastor, leading his sheep--especially the young and the marginalized--to find and know God’s love.

ACE Media Point of Contact: Bill Schmitt -