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An Idea with Wheels

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Written by: Nancy Caramanico

When first I heard about the University of Notre Dame's ACE bus, the idea struck me as an ingenious one. A bus traveling from school to school would put a spotlight on Catholic education from coast to coast. Genius! A bus traveling round and round and celebrating . . . then it struck me.St. Francis de Sales 1

When I first started working as Director of Technology in the central office for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in 2006, I spoke with Bishop McFadden, who was at the time overseeing the Office of Catholic Education. He said it would be a great idea to get a bus and go from school to school, showcasing all of the great teaching and learning with technology. As there were many other programs operating full speed at the time, the bus idea never came to fruition, but the idea remained in my mind. I think this is why the ACE bus struck a chord in me; the idea of going around the country highlighting Catholic education was a great one!

When I first got to St. Francis de Sales in Philadelphia for the bus tour stop, the first familiar face I saw was Sister Jane McFadden, IHM, Vice Principal at St. Francis de Sales and Bishop McFadden's sister. Though Bishop McFadden passed away in May, he would have been quite happy to see this bus spotlighting Catholic education rolling into his hometown of Philadelphia to music, cheers, and smiles!

As students at the school waited and guests arrived at St. Francis de Sales, there was much excitement in the autumn air. Big smiles were evident as children either carried flags, waved excitedly, or prepared their instruments for play. The student orchestra played as the bus rolled down the street to cheers and applause from the crowd.

Visitors and students then gathered in the school hall. Sister Constance Marie, IHM, talked about the founding of their school in 1904 by Irish immigrants, and its history of serving area students. Sister McFadden greeted guests from  Archdiocesan schools and Camden Catholic Schools. Students processed in with flags representing the 47 nations their students represent. Sr. McFadden also mentioned two Philadelphia saints—St. John Neumann, the founder of many Catholic schools, and St. Katherine Drexel, who dedicated her life and resources to serving children and schools. Students sang a beautiful song in both Swahili and English with a ringing chorus: “We are marching in the light of God!”

Fr. Tim Scully, CSC, founder of the ACE program, presented awards. Former Pennsylvania Senator Harris Wofford was given a Champion of Education award for his inspirational work and service. Christine Healey, the Chairman of the Board for the Catholic Partnership Schools of Camden and founder of the Catholic School Development Program, was given the University of Notre Dame's Sorin Award for her service in sustaining and transforming Catholic Schools.St. Francis de Sales 2

Fr. Lou DelFra, CSC, the Director of Spiritual Life for ACE and a Philly native, presented a prayer for Catholic schools to the school. In attributing the benefits of Catholic education, he said that “Catholic schools change the trajectory of a person's life.” He also told the audience that the ACE faculty and staff gather each and every Monday morning to pray for all Catholic schools and the students they serve. 

Catholic schools, like orchestras, are made up of many different people playing various roles—teachers, students, parents, parishioners, priests, and bishops (and more!). Each does their part to contribute to the success of Catholic education. They work daily to keep in tune with one another to make a wonderful sound, and it is surely one worth listening to and continuing to develop!

The ACE bus tour touting Catholic schools and its visit to Philadelphia was quite an uplifting event. For those present, the happy sound of students cheering along with musical accompaniment was music to our ears. It seems pretty certain that Bishop McFadden would have liked it, too!