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Giving Thanks

Thursday, November 28, 2013 by Reflections from the first leg of the "Fighting for Our Children's Future National Bus Tour"

Written by: Eric Prister

On a day when we take a step back and give thanks, and after visiting fourteen cities, seventeen schools, and thousands of children over the past seven weeks, it’s hard to be anything but grateful.

We set out on our journey, the “Fighting for Our Children’s Future National Bus Tour,” with hope, anticipation, and not a little bit of anxiety. We returned with that same hope, but now with joy and gratitude for those we met and all the great work they’re doing for Catholic schools.ND111913-1019

Everywhere we went, we were welcomed by the schools with open arms and greeted by the children with cheers and excitement. In talking to students, former students, and parents, we discovered that above anything else, these schools become like second homes to the children who attend; they make the students feel safe, feel welcome, and feel loved. As we moved from place to place, the people in each city made us feel at home, no matter how many miles we were from Notre Dame, and for this we are incredibly grateful.

We are grateful for the students we met, those who played music, those who sang songs, those who delivered speeches, and those who simply waved or gave us high-fives. Their smiles, their laughs, and their joy encouraged us.

We are grateful for the teachers, those who allowed us to interrupt their school day and welcomed us into their schools and classrooms, and who spend every day trying to make the world a better place through their teaching. Their hard work, their dedication, and their abundant caring humbled us.

We are grateful for the administrators and pastors, who did the lion’s share of the work in planning the events at the schools and allowed us to experience the joy of Catholic schools around the country. Their leadership, their presence, and their dedication impressed us.

We are grateful for those who support the ACE movement all around the country, those who joined us in our celebration, and who work hard on the ground in these cities trying to make education the best it can be. Their passion, their energy, and their generosity inspired us.

We are ultimately grateful for the gift of Catholic schools, the gift that allows all of these amazing people—teachers, administrators, pastors, supporters, and especially children—to come together and to spread the joy and excitement that a quality education can bring.

On this Thanksgiving, we—the community at the Alliance for Catholic Education and the entire University of Notre Dame—would like to thank all those we met along the way, all those who helped us make the first leg of the bus tour a success, and all those who give their lives to Catholic education in hopes of a better future for children around the country.

For all of you, we are incredibly grateful.